Sunday, July 3, 2011

The happy beat of my heart at the sound of marriage bells

Gay Marriage. Those words alone can spark a plethora of thoughts/opinions/arguments. I will not begin to say that I am an expert on this matter. But I do have some education and experience with the subject. I graduated with a minor in Political Science from my university- a small, liberal arts university that is for the most part of a VERY conservative nature when it comes to the students and faculty. Many of my term papers for my political studies courses were focused on my more moderate set of ideas.  I ALWAYS backed it up with facts.  That was something quite important to me to mention. Many of my conservative friends like to chalk what I have come to believe up to personal opinion. I would like to say to that... yes, there is a lot of what I believe that comes from my personal opinion about life. But when it comes down to social issues such as abortion or "gay" marriage, (I prefer the term same-sex marriage if we are going to get all the way down to separating the types of marriage there are) it is all about social justice. There may not be genocide in our country towards the same-sex couples, but they sure don't get treated like normal people.  I am personally attached to this subject. I have an aunt and an uncle whom are homosexual.  I, myself, become extremely offended too often to count about what people will say about the homosexual orientation. It is joked about in our daily conversations.  It is used as an adjective for "dumb" or "something that is boring or disapproved of."

This past week my aunt and her WIFE were able to make their marriage legally recognized. I am so very happy for them. I have know my aunt's wife for most of my life. She has already been a part of our family. I didn't view her as just my aunt's "partner." To me, she was always my aunt. It didn't matter to me what other people said about it. But when you start to get older people get more and more vocal about their opinions. I once took a spring vacation trip with my college roommates to visit my aunt's, and stay at their home. I was put in the situation where I had to sit one of my roommates down and explain to her the situation. That my aunt was a lesbian and she has a wife. I told her if she was not comfortable with the situation that she doesn't have to come. She decided to still remain on the trip. However, multiple times while we were there she would joke about my aunt. I got very testy with her on this trip to the point where I think our relationship was ruined. It wasn't only because of how she treated the situation. It was other things. But my point is... I don't understand people that this it is funny... or disgusting... or affects them in the very least bit. How in the world does same-sex marriages affect anyone besides the couple that is actually getting married??? Please, if there is an answer to that question I would love to hear it.

I recently saw this video posted by one of the girl's that is involved in the group blog I am a part of:

I am a Christian, yes. I would always get a hard time from those that I went to school with because they all believed it was wrong. This video is a perfect response to that very thing. I watched it and sat there in victory almost. HAHA. I sat there with a smile on my face thinking... Thank goodness! Something I can show people in response to what they say. Many of my Christian friends believe I am too loose with my beliefs. They call me a Hippie Christian that only believe when it is convenient. To that I say: they are wrong.

I love that there are parts of this country that are starting to accept same-sex marriages for what they are.... a marriage between two people that love each other, and want to spend their lives together.  If we are going to talk about the downfall of marriage don't go there. Go to the fact that many marriages don't even last anymore. It isn't the homosexual orientation that is ruining marriage. It is the heterosexual orientation that is ruining marriage.

My heart beats to a happy beat with the smile of my aunts' faces in their new legally married wedding photo! Both wearing white polos in a casual affair...mainly because they already had a ceremony many years ago... my aunts both look incredibly happy. This brings the greatest joy to my heart. Although it makes me a little sad at the same time. My uncle who was homosexual as well passed away three years ago due to complications in his heart and his lungs. He was also with my other uncle for all of my life. They never got a ceremony. They were never able to enjoy that opportunity. It hurts my heart a little bit to know that. But I also know that my uncles loved each other very much. In fact, my uncle's "partner" is still a huge part of our family. I see him at every family event. His love for my uncle seems to be endless. That speaks volumes, I think.


  1. This post is so heart wrenching. It's wonderful. I'm with you on it. I'm a Christian yet I still believe in same sex marriages. I only see two people who love each other.

