I have a huge dorky side to my personality. One thing lately that I have been so freaking excited for is the premiere of the last Harry Potter film: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt.2. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone was the first book that actually got me into reading. This is a very big part of my heart. I love reading. It is inspiring for my writings. It lets you escape to a different world and experience all different types of things no matter how ridiculous they be. I love words beyond measure. I love seeing how different authors can put them together in such a way that makes them incredibly beautiful. Books can make you feel when you don't feel anything else. I could go on and on and on. In short, Harry Potter is part of how I found my love of reading and, therefore, also my love of writing. It started in grade school and lasted me through the beginning of college. I grew up with these books. There is a certain sort of attachment that goes along with them in my heart. This movie, as dramatic as this sounds, feels like the end of my childhood. It is bittersweet to say the least.

But let me tell you, I am geeking out over here waiting for midnight tonight. I love little obsessions like this. I don't care that it makes me sorta look like a dork. It doesn't matter. LOL It's all fun.
Enjoy your guilty obsessions all!
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