July 3rd, 2011--
Today some friends and I decided to spend the night hanging out around Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. We ended up watching fireworks and such that were going off around the lake. My friends and I started walking away from the beach towards our car. We were stopped by a man with his wife. He handed us a paper lantern. He then explained that it was his wife's birthday and she had always wanted to see Chinese wishing lanterns take off in a group. So he bought a box of them on E-bay for a pretty good price apparently, and took her out by the lake. He was then was stopping passersby to open one up and put it together. He then asked that we all wait to light them together. Everyone lit the wax on the bottom of the lanterns and let them go. It was a beautiful sight to see-- a bunch of brightly colored paper lanterns lit up with a flame int he middle floating into the sky. What a wonderful birthday gift for that woman! Everyone also began to sing for her after we were done. Such a fun, random night by the lake. :)
I was able to capture some pictures with the camera on my phone:
OMG, that is SO freaking sweet! I have always wanted to see that in person!!
Right?! I have always wanted to do this. Oddly enough we had been talking about weddings because there was one on the beach. I had mentioned to my friends that I wanted to have the reception have everyone let these go. I thought this BEFORE the Hangover 2! lol.