Sunday, June 12, 2011


"It is our failure to become our perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique.  It’s not easy, but if you accept your misfortune and handle it right, your perceived failure can be a catalyst for profound re-invention."

I love Conan O'Brien. My mind was blown when he spoke these words of importance. Only because I am used to his normal humorous mannerisms and such. I digress, however, because Conan's humor really does touch on a lot of real stuff about life. I think that is what I love most about watching him. He can be totally and completely ridiculous about something childish and then the next minute talk about how his experience with NBC was... with his bite of humor of course.

Anyway, I was watching Conan's commencement address at Darmouth College earlier today. I found it perfect. I really wish I had something more than  the "You are graduating at a terrible time.... You have no hope in life." speech that I received at my college graduation.  I love that he started off with his ridiculous normalcy then transitioned to such great truths. He began with making fun the the college president's nickname being "stinky Pete.' He then transitioned to what parents can expect with the return of their children. It was quite hilarious I must say. Just watch the clip, I stress this.  He ended his speech with such great words. It is a great message. 

Kids go off to college thinking that they know EXACTLY what they want to do with their lives. However, it changes again and again and again and again. This isn't to say that it is a bad thing though. It is human condition. We are ALWAYS evolving, always changing. One situation in our lives can send us in a totally different direction in terms of our dreams, and everything else about ourselves. These are great things that happen. We are faced with so many things in our lives. It is how we take them, learn, and "re-invent" that area of our lives that really tells us a lot about our personalities. 

I have had to face a big change in what I want for my life. Graduating from college at a time where there was a terrible cut in jobs available was difficult. I had to return to my part-time job that I wrote off in my head. I moved in with my boyfriend and took another because now I am up against about 3 years of college graduates that weren't able to find jobs right away. It is difficult. It forces you to re-think where you can go with your skills and dreams. I am currently re-inventing my idea of what I should do with my career life. Now, I am back at my parents house trying to hash that out.  But, ya know what? I am okay with it. 

This is life. There is not just one prescription for how it should go. So, you may as well take the bumps and hills and go with it. Enjoy the ride and discover something about yourself.

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