Monday, June 13, 2011

It's Alive!

Ahhh I never knew I would be so excited about the simplest of things. It's funny how the things that should be expected, those normal day to day occurrences, become not so common. This is a sad, yet exciting thing to me.

Simplistic behavior such as opening doors, pulling chairs out, holding someone's purse or coat; these are things that used to seem like they would be common situations when I was younger. It was almost like I thought I was going to grow up into some sort of fairy tale. Life is no fairy tale though. That is not to say it is necessarily a bad thing. I think that little fact of life makes it more exciting when it does happen.

The situation that I have recently come out of has made me really appreciate the people that have those genuine characteristics. I recently went downtown Chicago to hang out with a friend of mine that I met during college. He has been a really great friend through a lot of situations. I forgot how great it was to hang out with him. We ventured to Jamba Juice and he insisted upon buying my drink for me since I have recently become unemployed.  We made our way to Millenium Park so that I could show him the bean (he has never seen it before...the boy has lived near Chicago all his life and goes to school downtown and yet has still not seen it). Then we decided to randomly go to the Lincoln Park Zoo. It was one of the most wonderful days I have had in a while. Every turn he was opening doors, letting me walk ahead and choose where we go. It was a funny thing to realize... Chivalry is still alive. There are still people in this world that make it a point to be polite and chivalrous.

I just thought I would share this little, simple, wonderful day with my blog viewers. It's those little things that make life so freaking interesting! :)


  1. Chivalry is not dead! Just not everyone does it. But I do love the little things like that. =]

  2. I love experiencing the chivalry! It's so fun. You feel so...respected. Fabulosity!
