Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Oh the comedies of the female life...

You know that feeling where you have no idea why you are sad? Why in the world do I want to cry about everything in the world? Why does everything piss me off for no reason? It's not like I am bleeding or anything. I was fine yesterday.

And then that moment of realization. Oh wait. I know what's happening.

You guessed it. That week before the monthly cycle that us women get. Yep, P.M.S.

My sister, our friend, and I were discussing this wonderment of our lives yesterday. We were talking about how even when you are on the pill and know when your period will be coming. Somehow we all forget when that actually will be coming.

So there is this mystery at the beginning of the PMS week. Everything is completely normal until that day when it starts. You are irrationally emotional about anything that comes in contact with you. I mean anything.

The dishes are lying out on the kitchen counter and you would like to chuck them at the walls because everyone left them for you to do. You take one little comment and turn it into an attack and immediately jump on the defensive of something that wasn't even be argued.

Haha it is so very funny in retrospect. But in the moment,  you are thinking... what the hell is wrong with me? Am I going nuts?

It takes you a while to remember and look at your pill packet to realize... oh yes, IT is coming. This is completely normal.

I can sort of understand why we drive men insane. I mean, I myself think I am insane at least one day every month depending on how long it takes me to figure out what is actually occurring.

Feel free to laugh at yourself when this happens to you. I mean, who minds getting a little bit of endorphins at the expense of thinking you're a little nutso for an hour or so.


  1. haha, i'm the same way.. and mine started on sunday. oh boy. thank goodness it will be gone by friday/saturday. Sean is going to have oh so much fun this week. haha.
